Site Investigation
Characterization of the nature and extent of contamination is essential to determining the right approach to clean-up. Earth Forensics is experienced with a wide variety of site investigations and contaminants in soil, air, groundwater and surface water. Sites we investigate range from small spills on commercial properties to the largest, most complex mixed hazardous waste sites.
Our staff performs comprehensive site investigations and characterization in accordance with applicable requirements for remedial investigations under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and state requirements.
Site investigation and characterization are comprised of the following components:
- Development and Implementation of Site Investigation Planning Documents
- Field Data Collection
- Laboratory Analysis of Environmental Samples
- Data Management, Evaluation and Interpretation
- Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study Documentation
Identifying the sources of contamination, understanding the interplay between geological features and the unique properties of chemicals which affect persistence, migration, fate, and degradation of contaminants is crucial to proper contaminant investigation and remediation planning.
Earth Forensics extensive experience in chemicals and toxin includes, but is not limited to the following toxic materials:
- Metals
- Semivolatiles & Volatiles
- Fuels
- Industrial Chemicals
- Dioxin
- PCBs
- Industrial Chemicals
- Insecticides
- PVCs
- Mold